Yearbooks - Students, yearbooks are on sale now. You can order them online (at DHS Yearbooks) or in Mr. Weier’s classroom (Room 230). They are $55 until May 1st. After May 1st, they increase to $60 each.
Blood Drive Please sign up to donate at the April 28th blood drive by using the QR code on flyers. Students must be 16 years old and have a parent permission slip. This form can be found in the office. Students who are 17 or older do not need a permission
Junior HIgh Student Council - our next meeting is Thursday, April 27th during 7th hour in Mrs. Lenz’s room. This is a date change due to MAP testing on Wednesday.
Game Day - Yes, we will have Game Day on Thursday.
Keep an eye out for next week's word of the week.
Lunch: 4/25 - Pizza, Corn, Mixed Fruit, Milk