Don't forget! The HS Play is tonight!
about 2 years ago, Mike Treece
HS Play 1
REMINDER Cookie sought pick up is at Bluffview until 6:00.
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
Cookie Dough
Mad Science at Math and Science Night!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
Mad Science
Math and Science Night is off to a great start!
about 2 years ago, Dupo CUSD 196
Congratulations to our D.A.R.E. Graduates! The 5th Grade did an awesome job in our D.A.R.E. Program! Thank you Officer Harget and 5th Grade teachers for all your work with the students!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
DARE Graduation
Reminder… Bluffview has early out on Tuesday, November 22 at 1:30. Then, there is no school Wednesday through Friday. Happy Thanksgiving!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
At our November 2022 School Board Meeting, we highlighted our most recent athletic accomplishments! #Congratulations! 🏈🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️
about 2 years ago, Dupo CUSD 196
#Congratulations to our November 2022 Students of the Month! #Citizenship 😀👏👍
about 2 years ago, Dupo CUSD 196
Students of the Month
Congratulations to Ms. Shea, Bluffview’s Staff Member for the Month!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
Ms. Shea
Officer Mendenhall and Sven visited Officer Harget’s D.A.R.E. Students! They learned how this dynamic duo keeps drugs off our streets! Chief Plew and Officer Sawyer joined us for the event!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
Group picture!
Officer Mendenhall and Sven
5th Grade
One student from each grade level won the Veterans Day coloring contest! Great job!!
about 2 years ago, Victoria White
Coloring Contest Winners
Bluffview Elementary School celebrated Veterans Day and honored the veterans in our community. Thank you for your service!
over 2 years ago, Victoria White
Choir performance
5th Grade Veterans Day Performance
Bluffview showing our patriotism!
Honoring our Veterans
Reminder Bluffview has early out on Monday at 1:30.
over 2 years ago, Victoria White
Bluffview Veterans Day Celebration will be on November 10, 2022. Please see the attached flyer for details.
over 2 years ago, Victoria White
Veterans Day Celebration
Monster Mash! #halloween
over 2 years ago, Dupo CUSD 196
Basketball Fox League Registration for boys and girls in grades first through sixth is due no later than Monday, October 31. Participation in this league is a great way for Bluffview students to learn the Fundamentals of basketball and to get game-playing experience. The cost is $50 and this includes weekly practices at Bluffview starting the second week of November and games on select Saturdays from December through early February.
over 2 years ago, Victoria White
Fox League Application
#Congratulations to our October 2022 Students of the Month! #Responsibility 👍👏😀
over 2 years ago, Dupo CUSD 196
The Dupo High School Student Council is having a Haunted Hallway for families in our community.
over 2 years ago, Victoria White
Dupo High School Student Council Event
Haunted Hallway is October 26th from 5-8pm at DHS . Open to the public and geared toward our younger students. STUCO Fundraiser: $5.00 for adults and $1.00 for students/children.
over 2 years ago, Mike Treece
PTO Movie Night - Friday the 21st @7pm
over 2 years ago, Mike Treece
PTO Movie Night