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Jennifer Anderson
3rd Grade 3B
Bluffview Elementary School
Alexis Royer
3rd Grade 3D
Bluffview Elementary School
Sarah Majzel
4th Grade 4A
Bluffview Elementary School
Michael Hopkins
4th Grade 4C
Bluffview Elementary School
Sue Cauwels
4th Grade 4D
Bluffview Elementary School
Andrea Schaefer
5th Grade 5A
Bluffview Elementary School
Kathy Danks
5th Grade 5B
Bluffview Elementary School
Alaina Scherle
5th Grade 5C
Bluffview Elementary School
Chrisie Klemme
6th Grade 6B
Bluffview Elementary School
Scott Hamm
6th Grade 6C
Bluffview Elementary School
Casey Brumit
6th Grade 6D
Bluffview Elementary School
Bridget Giovanetti
Bluffview Elementary School
Mandy Evers
Physical Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Olivia Hunt
Bluffview Elementary School
Heather Qualls
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Krysten Pierce
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Cary Church
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Kathy Daab
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Jennifer Donald
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School
Kathryn Dickerson
Special Education
Bluffview Elementary School