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Ange Garrett
Reading Specialist
Bluffview Elementary School
Andria Hasty
Literacy Interventionist
Bluffview Elementary School
Beth Lenz
Math Coach
Bluffview Elementary School
Tonya Gischer
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Abby Click
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Angel South
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Kim Bacott
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Amanda Mehrmann
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Kelly Morris
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Lisa Nadler
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Jodi Stephens
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Victoria Simshauser
Classroom Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Alina Carner
School Nurse
Bluffview Elementary School
Kim Kitowski
Bluffview Elementary School
Laurie Hook
Playground Aide
Bluffview Elementary School
Cindy Parnell
Cafeteria Monitor
Bluffview Elementary School
Mike Treece
Library Media Specialist
Bluffview Elementary School
Linda Phillips
Library Aid
Bluffview Elementary School
Michelle Ozee
School Counselor
Bluffview Elementary School
Allison Benware
School Psychologist
Bluffview Elementary School