Budget/ICLS/Report Card

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act

The McKinney-Vento Act governs the rights of homeless students. Each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, as provided to other children and youths. A “homeless child” is defined as provided in the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act and State law. Generally, a homeless student is a student who does not have a regular, fixed place of residence. Homeless students have special rights in regard to school choice, transportation, and proof of residency. If you have any questions, please contact the Superintendent of Schools at 286-3812 for more information.

Steven's Amendment

Projects or programs funded in whole or in part with Federal grant money must credit the Federal government for the Federal government's portion of the financial support. This citation informs the public that the use of Federal dollars in Dupo CUSD 196 meets the Stevens Amendment requirement. Staff development opportunities, resource purchases, and personnel have been funded in whole or in part with Federal entitlement dollars.

Equal Opportunity

This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.


Illinois' new state school report card officially launched on October 31, 2013. The new report card paints a more complete picture of the learning environment at every school in Illinois, providing information about academic performance, the school environment, available courses and programs.

The new report card, accessible at illinoisreportcard.com, includes both an Online Report Card that offers an in-depth view of school- and district-level information as well as an At-a-Glance Report Card that provides a simple, one-page, printable view of a school or district's most important information.

Please visit the new report card site at illinoisreportcard.com. ISBE welcomes all questions and comments at reportcard@isbe.net.

- Illinois State Board of Education


Illinois Assessment Survey

IMRF Employer Cost and Info

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

All requests to inspect and/or to obtain a copy of a District record must be made in writing. Please submit all requests to the District’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer. Copying fees, if any, must be paid before copies will be provided. The FOIA Officer can give you an estimate of the copying fees, if any.

FOIA Officer:

Dr. Victoria White

600 Louisa Ave
Dupo, IL 62239

Title IX

A school’s employee designated to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title IX must be referred to as the Title IX Coordinator. The school must notify students, employees, applicants for employment, unions and parents or legal guardians of students of the name, office address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the Title IX Coordinator. Schools must also promptly display the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information on their websites. Any person may report sex discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator by mail, e-mail, telephone, in-person or any other means that results in the Title IX Coordinator receiving the person’s report.

Title IX Coordinator:

Dr. Victoria White

600 Louisa Ave
Dupo, IL 62239